

I love empowering counselors to see that they are worthy of self-care and capable of creating joy and peaceful rhythms in their daily lives.

It pains me to see other helpers suffering from burnout because I, too, have been there! My speaking & coaching presentations are designed to help you create powerful new rituals to renew your energy. I will explain and help you to practice some of the most helpful strategies, tools and resources that I have found and developed over my life. They are designed to help you regain a joyful rhythm and focus in your daily life- and bring space and awareness to feelings and needs in your life that you may be unaware of.

Are you a helper?

My mission for speaking & coaching is to empower helpers.

I define a helper as anyone whose career (or life) is grounded in helping others.

My favorite helpers to work with are healthcare professionals, ministers, and teachers/school professionals.

Some of the characteristics of high achieving helpers included being:

 overly concerned with pleasing others (clients and supervisors),

always being on time & prepared,

never asking for help even when they desperately need it,


working late to complete all of the extra tasks they promised clients,

and always going above and beyond what is expected of them.

Helpers (& specifically, high achieving helpers) tend to work longer hours, ruminate longer over mistakes, and care for themselves less. They are more likely to deny that they are struggling, and they are more at risk for anxiety, depression, stress-related illness, & burn out. I am a helper who has suffered from stress, overwhelm, & anxiety – and I now am able to catch my patterns sooner, and support and care for myself more fully.  My wish for other helpers is to help you connect with the most authentic part of yourself- and create the opportunity for new ways of being with yourself!

We must have conversations within organizations and care for our helpers so that they can continue to positively impact our community for many years, without losing their creativity, insight, passion or presence with clients & students.


Other Speaking Topics Include:

Better Together: Couples Communication

Family Matters: Rituals for Reconnection

Empowered Mothering: Wholehearted Care

Family To Be: Information for both parents as they prepare their baby’s arrival

To book a speaking engagement,

please call me at 512-585-8238

or email me here: amaro@aspireNB.com

***IMPORTANT NOTE: My talks are based on my knowledge & experience as a therapist, however they will always be educational in nature, where I will be giving and explaining helpful tools to participants in a group or individual setting. They are not meant to be a substitute for therapy in any way.


“Each of us has lived through some devastation, some loneliness, some weather superstorm or spiritual superstorm.

When we look at each other we must say, I understand.  

I understand how you feel because I have been there myself.

We must support each other,

because each of us is more alike than we are unalike.”     

-Maya Angelou

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